Locations we are unable to ship ammunition AND magazines to:
California - Check what is needed
Chicago (we are able to ship to other parts of Illinois)
Connecticut - Check what is needed
Hawaii - NO
Massachusetts - Check what is needed
Washington, DC - Check what is needed
Other locations might be added on later we try to keep this list up to date. If we cannot ship to a state or location that is not listed, we will contact you by email.
Local laws and regulations are always changing. To be certain check your local legislation before ordering to see if you can receive ammunition by mail.
Can you ship to CT?
A: Yes!
.223 Remington
5.56×45 NATO
However, one of the following is required to ship all other calibers:
Valid copy of your firearms purchaser identification card
A valid copy of your permit to purchase a handgun.
A valid copy of your permit to carry a handgun.
After Placing your order, you should receive an email from us detailing these additional requirements. Please be sure to check your email and follow the instructions to assist with the approval process.
Once these documents are received and approved, the order will be shipped. If your documents remain valid with a matching shipping address, future orders will ship automatically.
New Jersey Statutes Annotated 2C:58-3.3., our office is required to obtain a copy of one of the following documents before your order can be shipped: a copy of your valid firearms purchaser identification card, a valid copy of a permit to purchase a handgun, or a valid permit to carry a handgun.
As of January 2023, Nautilus Ammunition does not ship JHP ammunition to NJ. If you order JHP ammunition your order will be cancelled and refunded.
Local laws and regulations are always changing. To be certain check your local legislation before ordering to see if you can receive ammunition by mail.
Can you ship to RI?
A: Yes, once you order we will send you an email asking you to verify your information.
Nautilus Ammunition can ship to Rhode Island customers who are 21-years-old and possess a valid pistol/revolver safety certificate, hunter education course card, or permit to carry a pistol or revolver. We DO NOT ship magazines to RI.
How do the boxes ship? Is the packaging discreet?
A: Our product is shipped in plain brown shipping boxes. There is no branding or advertisement of the product anywhere on the box.
How does your subscription work?
A: You sign up for the exact amount of bullets you want monthly and we ship it to you automatically. ****(If Nautilus Ammunition is out of stock for any reason, we will ship you equivalent ammunition at the same specs)Free shipping is included with ALL subscriptions.
If the subscription price DECREASES it automatically applies to the account. If there is an increase we will reach out by email.